Saturday, November 21, 2009

Global Warming Meltdown

The Climate Research Unit [CRU], which has been very instrumental in climate melt down research, confirmed that the very embarrassing emails published on the World Wide Web were authentic.  These notes back and forth between academics at Colorado University Climate Institute and others around the world, reveal scientists discarding, deliberately misinterpreting, and then finally altering data from lab and instrument reports.  They did so because the data did not support their preconceived conclusions.  This is not the "Scientific Method".  It follows almost a year to the day the revelation that Dr. Hanson of NASA had been caught doing the exact same thing.

Hanson was caught publishing temp data for October, 2008 that was unartfully created or copied from the September data.  That is, Hanson published the warmer temps recorded in September as October data.  When the real October data was published it was discovered that October temps in North America were record lows.  Hanson who is a political scientist put in place by the NASA oversight committee of Congress was caught trying to make a case for global warming despite the data that showed cooling.

Rene Descartes is rolling in his grave.  Decartes was the scientific philosopher who admonished the world to question everything.  "Methodic Doubt" was the name he gave to his philosophy of doubt.  Poor Descartes was murdered by poison by his hosts in Stockholm because of his adamant belief in the method.

In a fit of irony some of those who are now accused of cooking the global warming data are from...Stockholm.  This news is getting little play in the US press.  It is believed that this is partly due to the fact that very few Americans really trust the "global warming" scientists anyway.  So, many journalists are not "wasting" space with a" ho hum" 'dog bites man' story.  The other reason is that most journalists do not understand math, statistics and how they are manipulated by scientists with a socio economic agenda.  So when raw data from scientists are posted they need to have other scientists explain what the big words mean to them.

What do you read Katy Couric?

The real question is not what do you read the question is do you understand it?

Here are some interesting links if you want more:
Herald Sun
Hot Air
Global Warming hoax
Climate Research Unit
Still Waiting for the Greenhouse to appear by John L. Daly

These disturbing data sources were published by Russian hackers who gained entry when an alleged insider gave them key codes for access.  However, given the recent hack into the FAA computers by assailants unknown to disrupt air traffic during President Obama's trip home from Asia and hacks into Pentagon computers by China that disabled parts of our defense system,  we may also have real problems with our security that are far more dangerous then the temperature on the White House veranda on a balmy August night.  Our security has never been more insecure and it is frightening.


Anonymous said...

Great job Bill. You and Rick Spencer (I cc'd him) are the two best writers on political issues I know. The two of you really need to meet.

I am really concerned about the lack of support our President is providing our troops in Afghanistan. I can not believe a field commander requested a troop increase in August and still has gotten no decision. I do not know what research, documents, or assistance you or Rick could lend but any would be most helpful as I decide how best to approach this (Op Eds, speeches, visits to congress or other methods you may suggest).


Bill Carroll said...

Thanks for the compliment. I look forward to meeting Rick and maybe doing something constructive for the troops in harms way.

Some have said that we have had little leadership in DC lately. The legislative leaders can get legislation passed but with little solutions for our problems. And the Office of the Presidency is a ship without a rudder. Obama was actually lectured by a lower level Secretary of China about our debt and out of control spending.

Unknown said...

This is all further proof to my thoery that Obama is an ellected terrorist who's plan is to first demolish our country financially, by un-rooting the foundation of our government system brick by brick. And then allow for a breach in security so that we can be wiped off the globe entirely. That idea also leads me to wonder if he will be in NY for the 911 trial of terrorists whoe were involved or will be bunkered down in a cave somewhere like another guy I have heard his name around before.. ..what was it... Obama.. or something like that... Osama....